Community Pure Water
About Us
Improving lives with safe water Currently serving 1,000,000 people with purified drinking water day after day, year after year Find out more
Improving lives with safe water Currently serving 1,000,000 people with purified drinking water day after day, year after year Find out more

A staggering 700 million people lack access to safe drinking water in India. Most rural families are unaware that the water they consume is contaminated, leading to several water-borne illnesses.

Community Pure Water builds sustainable water purification centers (WPCs) that purify locally available water, eliminating over 99% of chemical and biological contaminants. The purified water is made available 24x7 through our water dispensers, each of which serves at least 500 families and as many as 2500 people.

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How safe water impacts life

Providing reliable access to safe water is one of the most cost-effective interventions to bring about economic transformation among underprivileged rural communities.

Empowering Women and Girls

Women and girls are usually burdened with collecting water for family consumption. With reliable access to safe water, they spend less time collecting water and more time in school, developing skills, earning a living and contributing to their communities.

Preventing Disease

Waterborne diseases affect 38 million people in rural India each year, 75% of whom are children. When communities have access to safe drinking water, the prevalence of illnesses decreases, resulting in lower healthcare expenses and increased productivity.

Creating Economic Opportunity

With safe and affordable water, less time and money is lost to illness, families spend less time collecting water, and everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives. Families break out of the cycle of poverty and the local economy begins to thrive.

Uplifting Education

Waterborne illnesses often keep rural children out of school. With safe water access, students can stay healthy, attend classes regularly, and focus on studies. Additionally, the time spent fetching water is minimized, allowing children, especially girls, to continue their education.

Stories of transformation

Safe purified water has the power to change the stories of the lives it touches. Here are a few.
While growing up, I had to miss school and spend half the day waiting in line to collect water. Today, with CPW’s purification center near our house, we save so much time. I am able to work in the village Panchayat office. I send both my daughters to school and they say that they want to become engineers. This water center has changed our lives. - A. Kavitha, Panchayat Office worker, Akuthotapally, Telangana

Make a donation

When safe water flows, so does possibility. Women can earn an income. Kids have the time and health to go to school. Families can look ahead to bright futures.

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