Chennapuraopally is a village in the Nagarkurnool district of Telangana. Chennapuraopally has more than 670 individual households and a population of around 3,500 people. Chennapuraopally’s economy is primarily agricultural, producing mangos and other foods, and the literacy rate by the most recent surveys is below fifty percent.
With support from FMC, Community Pure Water in partnership with the village recently installed a 500 liter-per-hour water purification center in Chennapuraopally. The Chennapuraopally community and members of the Community Pure Water staff celebrated the inauguration of this new water purification center June 6th, 2022.
As part of the festivities, Community Pure Water gave a short presentation to help illustrate how the plant works to remove dangerous contaminants from the source water. They also distribute the Anytime-Water RFID cards that residents will use to purchase water from the new center.